Sunday, September 30, 2007

Our Girl's Birthday

Our daughter celebrated her 4th birthday this year. Here are a few shots from her party this weekend.
This first shot is of her walking up and seeing her party for the first time. Priceless.A Little Princess Football with Cinderella as QB!Here is the WHOLE gang! Ahh...such Fun!
Here is Miss H with the Aquadots she has been wishing for for a LONG time. Every time the commercial comes on TV it's "Here Mommy...this is it! This is what I want for my Birthday!!" Thanks G&P for getting this for her!
Ahh....the Princes with her Princess Cake. We ordered this from Wal-Mart a week ago and she could NOT understand WHY we had to LEAVE it there for SO LONG!

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Happy Birthday Mr. D and Daddy!

Today I had the pleasure of photographing "Mr. D's" birthday party. It was soooo much fun and "Mr. D" couldn't be any cuter! By the end of the day, he was sooo tuckered out that he fell asleep in Mommy's arms. Here are a few shots from the day! Enjoy!

Friday, September 28, 2007

Baby "L"

This sweet little one was such a trooper during our infant session today. Actually, her Mommy was the biggest trooper of all. Lets just say that Little Miss "L" made her poor Mommy quite stinky during the course of the session. Thanks so much "D" for stopping by today. I really enjoyed our time together. These are your sneak peeks. I'll email you when the gallery is online.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

The "M" Family Kiddos

These are the "M" family kiddos. We had such a blast yesterday! But boy was I tired after this one (just kidding "N"!) Arn't they just the cutest kids you've ever seen? Thanks so much "N" for coming bringing your kids over today. You are always such and inspiration and such a great motivator! I really appreciate our friendship!

Awaiting Gregory

These shots are from a wonderful maternity session that I did today. What a sweet couple. They are expecting their first baby next month. They were both such troopers. Poor Ms "B" was not feeling well during the entire session. But, she made it through and hopefully they'll see it was worth it in the end! Thanks so much guys for visiting the studio today. Enjoy!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Breast Cancer Awareness

These photos are from another photoshoot that I did for a breast cancer awareness calander. This lady was so sweet, gentle and kind. These were shot at Skips, a local flower shop.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Wedding Practice...The Details

Some of the most important pictures in wedding photography are the detail shots. In preparation for my up-coming weddings, I've decided to start practicing for the detail shots. This image is of one of the favors that we gave out at our own wedding. My husband went golfing the morning of our wedding and he wanted a "guy" favor at our tables and so we gave out a TON of these golf tees!
I'm not sure that I'd ever photograph something like this at an actual wedding, but I thought it made a really cute "flower" girl picture. Original at least!
Obviously one of the important detail pictures from the day is the shot of the rings. I decided to practice on my own ring today. I'm not so sure about the colors in the shot but I really, really like the lines and the sharp focus on the ring.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Breast Cancer Awareness

The pictures on this blog were created for a Cancer Society Breast Cancer Awareness calender. The wonderful, passionate, and strong woman pictured here has had two bouts of breast cancer resulting in a double mastectomy. She will be starting her chemo treatment soon. Her prognosis is very good! XOXO