Monday, December 24, 2007

For Pat

Here are a few images from a family session this weekend. I shot these images for my dear friend and former co-worker Pat. Pat and I used to team-teach middle school intensive reading classes together before I left teaching to stay at home with my two girls. I had a wonderful time and really enjoyed meeting your niece and nephew that you spoke of so often. These are your sneak peeks. I'll let you know when your full gallery is online!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

the FAMILY portrait

Hey sweetie! Thanks so much for helping me carry my ladder, running to get the tug-of-war rope AND for being my exposure guinea pig! You were a GREAT helper!
Okay, to be honest...I was kinda dreading this session. I LOVE photographing individuals and I find groups to be quite challenging. BUT, this family WAS SO MUCH FUN! I really can't believe how much fun I had and how easy everyone was to work with. Despite some sand spurs, ant bites, and cut toes I think we got some really great images tonight. Thanks so much everyone for being so sweet, fun and cooperative! These are your sneak peeks and I'll let you know when the entire gallery is online. Happy Holidays!

Monday, December 3, 2007

Knellinger Wedding

These are earrings that her sweet husband had delivered to her in the limo before the ceremony. She was so touched. He's a keeper for sure!

A few details shots from the day.
Well I did it! I made it through my very first solo wedding. I have to thank "L" from the bottom of my heart for trusting in my abilities and for taking a leap of faith to hire a rookie photographer to photograph her beautiful wedding. She was an absolute sweetheart to work with as were her 3 beautiful daughters, son and hilarious new hubby. Here are a few shots from their very special day.