Sunday, August 26, 2007

SnapShot Sunday

Something new I might try adding to the blog each Sunday is a simle snapshot from my life. As a professional photographer, I often forget to take pictures of my own kids. I need to remind myself that THEY are the reason I started my business and developed my passion. Enjoy!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Black and White Conversions

Trying out some new ways to convert to black and white. I'm striving for a high tonal range. I'm also so proud of my first "fairy" fantasy photo. I better be careful, I can see myself going crazy with this genre!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Flickr Mixer

So photographers occasionally get together with other photographers to share ideas, techniques, resources, and to just have some plain fun. I attended a photographer mixer this weekend and thought I would share some of the wonderful shots I was able caputure. Talk about some AWESOME and awfully cute models! These were all taken at Holis Gardens in Lakeland, FL.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Spray Park

I'm working on learning a new photography software program called Lightroom so my handiest subjects have been getting their pictures taken a lot lately.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Summer Fun!

Out this weekend with the girls in the COLORFUL town of Tarpon Springs. Boy was it HOT!

Friday, August 10, 2007

The NON-traditional Pose

Little Miss "M" along with Grandma and Mom stopped by the studio today for 4-year-old pictures! I think Little Miss "M" liked creating her own poses much better than sitting still for my boring ideas! Sometimes it's just best to let a kid be a kid! Thanks so much for stopping by the studio today. Keep checking the blog for more sneak peeks!


This one's for "Mama T."

"R" and "V" came by the studio today for some pictures. Arn't they sooo cute! Thanks Mamma "T" for coming over, bringing your kiddos, and for being one of my best friends ever!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Monday, August 6, 2007

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Trash the Dress

I finally had the chance to do a trash the dress session. Ashley was SUCH a trooper. We made it through the heat and the bugs and a very LONG drive for these pictures. I think it was worth it though. I'll be adding more from this session later, but wanted to get up a quick sneek before I sneek off to bed! Thanks again guys!

Friday, August 3, 2007

Just Dance

I've had the pleasure of photographing these two beautiful girls for almost 2 years now! In fact, their Mom was the one who really encouraged me to start my photography business. Last week they came over for some really fun dance pictures. Thanks "K" girls for coming over last week...I had a lot of fun. Your gallery will be online shortly!